Dedicated to the fulfillment of our souls in the Aquarian Age


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We Are Aquarian Souls

We are a non-profit organization of certified yoga teachers, sharing the practice of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. As Aquarian Souls we care for the planet and we recognize Divinity in every being.

We are shifting from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, and the Aquarian Age is the age of consciousness, one of peace and abundance.

We welcome all to join us in our Kundalini Yoga practice, where we support one another in expansion!


Our Services

The aim of Aquarian Souls is to provide a peaceful oasis for spiritual growth. We serve our members, guests, and the community at large with Kundalini yoga classes, daily morning sadhana, workshops, retreats, community events and celebrations, and various modalities of healing. Additionally, we provide Seva (selfless service) opportunities throughout the year.

About Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is the Yoga of Consciousness. I would say it is the Yoga of Happiness. In essence, Kundalini Yoga is a system that takes care of the totality of a human being, of every one of his aspects and of her spiritual nature. This technique aims to provide the practitioner with a conscious experience of the Infinite Essence within each one of us. It is such a powerful practice that it is not necessary to be a monk, or move to India, or follow ascetic practices, or be celibate - as other types of Yoga demand - to elevate the spiritual energy called Kundalini and live a true transformation. Moreover, Kundalini Yoga is extremely efficient. This technology is for the householder that lives in society, has a family, goes to work, and has fun. It is directed to any person of any age group or condition. In fact, its sound-current technique can help the powerless, ill-stricken, or even the unborn.

Sat Nam Rasayan a service we offer, and is a non-invasive healing practice performed by a meditator that dwells in deep silence (shunia).  Learn more.