Privacy Policy

While we do collect information from you when you register for a class or event, we do not sell, exchange, transfer, or give your information to any other company for any reason, other than if and as required by law. This excludes trusted third parties who assist us in operating our website, conducting our business, or servicing your requests; however, these parties must agree to keep this information confidential.

We collect this information so that we can send emails informing you of upcoming events and activities (you can unsubscribe at any time), collect and report donations properly, and improve our website as well as our ability to serve you better as an organization.

By using our site, you consent to our privacy policy. Any changes to our privacy policy will be posted here, with a date that those changes are effective. If you have questions about our privacy policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

WhatsApp Group Etiquette


  • Share/Promote the practice of Kundalini yoga technology

  • Provide guidance for other teachers and yogis

  • Elevate the frequency and vibrations for people around us and the planet

  • Support and encourage one another

  • Make connections


  • Send messages for all in the Group; and not for an individual or to only some in the Group.

  • To wish, thank or acknowledge anyone, please use their personal WhatsApp contact. 

  • Keep to the purpose of the group. Send only relevant messages.

  • Keep in mind that your words can be interpreted in multiple ways, so use short sentences that can’t be misinterpreted.

  • Circulate only authentic and true messages. Ask yourself these four questions before posting: (1) Is it true? (2) Is it relevant?  (3) Is it necessary?  (4) Is this a good time to post?

  • If someone asks a question and you don’t know the answer, solution, or suggestion; just wait for someone who knows the answer to reply; and don’t respond with “I don’t know.”

  • Check the date of the news that you want to forward in the Group; and ensure it is not very old.

  • It is better to be a silent spectator in the Group, than being a nuisance by responding to every message of the Group, in the Group.

  • If you have a healing request, please reach out to a teacher privately

  • If you are the Group Administrator: offenders in the group should be warned personally; and repeated offenders can be removed permanently.


  • Do not share irrelevant messages about other topics in the group.

  • Do not send one-on-one (personal) conversation in WhatsApp Group. Switch to private message by tapping the name / number above the message of the person with whom you want to reply.

  • Good Morning / Good Night messages are irrelevant.

  • Do not post messages on religion, political party, gender etc.  because it may indirectly hurt others.

  • Do not shame fellow member in the group.

  • Do not forward advertisement messages or offer messages in the group, as most of them are fake and will collect all the contacts in the group.

  • Avoid sending prayer-chain in the group, such as read this message and forward to other people. 

  • Don’t be offended if others leave the group. Not everyone wants the same information