

2-3 tbs ghee (clarified butter)or oil of your choice

1 cup split yellow mung dal; Rinse well, soak for 2-3 hours, rinse and drain before cooking. (It is best to use mung dal with the hulls still on if you need more fiber).

1 cup white basmati rice, rinsed well and drained.

½ tsp black mustard seeds

½ tsp cumin seeds

½ tsp fennel seeds

1 small pinch of asafoetida (“hing”) powder

1 tsp turmeric powder

1 tsp cumin powder

1 tsp coriander powder

4-5 thin slices of fresh ginger root (grated)

4 cups water for a pressure cooker or about 6 cups for a regular pot

1 tsp rock salt or sea salt

2 cups of vegetables (asparagus, carrots, celery, squash, zucchini)

Optional: onion & garlic


Using either a pressure cooker (much faster) or a heavy-bottomed pot, heat ghee with medium heat. Ghee burns easily, so be careful. Sauté the mustard seeds and cumin seeds in the ghee until the seeds pop. Add fresh ginger, let it simmer for about 1 minute, then add turmeric, coriander, fennel, and hing. Then add the drained mung dal and rice, stir until the mix almost starts to stick to the bottom of the pan. Then add water. Stir well, making sure nothing sticks to the bottom of the pot.

If you are using a pressure cooker, fasten the lid and turn the heat to high, let the pressure build up. Once the pressure has built up, turn the heat low and cook for 6-7 minutes. Remove the cooker off the heat and let it sit until there is no more pressure before you safely remove the lid.

If you’re using a regular pot, cover and bring it to a boil. Then simmer until both the rice and dahl are mushy.

Experiment with how much water you prefer to find a consistency that you like. (More water creates a thinner consistency). A thinner consistency is preferable if your digestion is weak. You will notice that Kitchari will thicken as it cools and you may need more water than originally thought.

In order to provide the best quality of energy for your body, Kitchari should be served hot and made the day that you wish to eat it.


•      Fresh cilantro (great for pitta – ok for vata and kapha)

•      Coconut (great for pitta, good for vata, but not so good for kapha)

•      Lime (ok for everybody)


You can get most of the supplies from an Indian grocery store or online from Banyan Botanicals.


Saffron Basmati Rice